
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Some more online classes for your perusal

I figured that some of these looked useful, and no one said they never wanted to see class links again after my first post, so I went ahead and compiled some more. The first one is free to both members and nonmembers of the host chapter (and yes, like all the courses, you can take it even if you're not a member of the RWA!)

FREE: Why did that editor reject me?
"Publisher and Editor Liz Pelletier of Entangled Publishing will teach you how to evaluate your submission package from an acquisition perspective, so you'll be able to eliminate any deal-breakers from your own manuscript.  This workshop will include dissection of sample submissions so you can see an editor's thought processes as she reviews a submission package and decides its fate." 
*I've taken a class with this instructor before; check out the review of my last class with her
Runs July 18-July 24

The X-Tremely Productive Writer
"What writer doesn't dream of producing three, four, or five books a year? It's more achievable than you think. Writing is like using a muscle; if you increase your outcome a little at a time, it's easier than trying to suddenly write as fast as Nora Roberts."
Cost for nonmembers: $25
Runs July 5-Aug1

Polishing Your Sample Pages
"When submitting to agents, you often get to include five sample pages with your query. This workshop will teach you how to get those pages to shine, from character introduction, conflict, voice and formatting--to ensure that agent will want to read more."
Cost for nonmembers: $20
Runs July 5-July 18

Medical Speak for Writers
"Medical Speak for Writers is a four-day class that covers the various types of medical facilities, the departments of a typical hospital, medical terminology, various medical specialties, patient experiences and common injuries."
Cost for nonmembers: $20
Runs July 25- Aug 1
Cost: $16
Use-of-force workshop
"Want to make your Law Enforcement character come alive, give her what she needs to know so that she thinks and acts like a real cop when things go bad?"
Runs: July 8-July 29
Writing Regency-Period Novels
"This workshop covers:
        • What makes the Regency a fascinating era
          - How to use this era to add wit gallantry and elegance to your setting and your novel.
        • Key research resources:
          - What do you need to get right and
          – What can you invent.
        • Brief overview of the history of the Regency era, with its great contrast, and therefore great conflicts, and rich background."
Runs: Aug 5-26
Cost for nonmembers: $20
How to get an Agent - and not get scammed
"Week 1 will focus on mistakes writers make that can result in being the victim of a scam, and week 2 will present positive steps for finding a legitimate agent."
Runs July 11- July 20

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