
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Upcoming workshops

Since I just spoke about a workshop I took, I thought I'd share a few more coming up.  The listed cost is the cost for non-members of the host chapter.  If you happen to belong to that chapter, you'll pay less!

Self Defense for Writers:
Write a realistic self-defense scene.  Cost: $30
Registration deadline: June 27

Powering the Proposal:
Beef up your book proposal (including query, synopsis, and first few chapters) to get your book out of the inbox and onto the agent's desk.  Cost: $30
Registration Deadline: June 27
Curing the "What Comes after the First Three Chapters" Blues: Dealing with the Middle of Your Story"
Getting past the writers' block that strikes after the first three chapters to craft the middle of your story.  Cost: $25  Registration Deadline: June 28
Runs: July 1-28
Rock Hard with a Heart of Gold
Creating  a rock-hard alpha hero... with a heart of gold.  Cost: $15  Registration Deadline: June 28
Runs: July 1-15

Silencing your Inner Saboteur
Recognize the 'voice' of your inner saboteur, realize the tricks it uses to keep you from writing, and learn to get past it.  Cost: $25  Runs: July 1-31

Ergonomics for writers
Avoid the common physical ailments of writers, caused by poor ergonomics, and learn to recognize the signs.  Cost: $25 Runs: July 1-31

Would you be interested in me continuing to post links to online classes about once a month?  Have you taken any which you've found particularly helpful?

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