
Friday, July 22, 2011

In the publishing world

Here's another set of blogs worth checking out for the other prospective authors out there:

D.L. Orton guest posts on Eric Nathan's Pimp My Novel with a humorous reminder that even great authors get rejected - frequently, in fact.  Orton also gives us a numerical estimation on your debut manuscript's statistical chances of being published: Approximately 1 in 15,625.  I never knew, by the way, that agents only manage to sell about 60% of their agented manuscripts to publishers.  It's a tight market out there!  I don't know about you, but I'm not about to give up.  After all, someone has to be that 1.

Jessica Faust offers suggestions on getting through the spam filter if you're requerying an agent after making the revisions he or she suggested.

Agent Rachelle Gardner gives advice for pitching and offers a vlog on why agents don't say why they rejected queries.

Ingrid Sundberg (and I really love her hair) talks about alternative plot structures besides the typical Aristotelian story arch (you know, central conflict, obstacles, climax, zombies... all that jazz.  Okay, maybe Aristotle wasn't much for zombies.  His loss.)

Alan Rinzler talks about why, as an author, you should be tweeting.  He also offers tips on what to do on Twitter, in order to build your followers.  (I'm still not tweeting.  I'm afraid my cats might eat me if I do.  The tweet argument is raging - not every agent or editor requires you to get on Twitter.)

Twitter debate: Do you think Twitter is necessary as a writer? Why or why not?


  1. Twitter isn't *necessary* but you *can* reach a wide mass of people in very few words if you are tweeting. It's like taking blogging to 140 characters and being useful and insightful to more than the 10 people who comments on a blog post. It's reach is far more dramatic. :) Just my $.02. :)

  2. Good point! And a big part of the reason that I probably will actually start tweeting (eventually... definitely once I'm published, maybe before that?)
