
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A new set of online classes

Another set of classes for writers:

What's in a Name?
Discover resources that will give you a quick sketch of your entire character just from the name, learn how to deepen characters with a few simple tools, locate your character's Goal, Motivation and Conflict with a set of simple questions, discover how to create a more powerful plot from your character, discover subplots hidden in your character's background
Runs: August 15-Sept. 14
cost: $25

Making Sexual Tension Work for You
 During the course of this class two Harlequin authors – one Presents and one Blaze – will discuss their approaches to sexual tension – how they differ and how they’re similar. We’ll use movie clips to help us recognize and evaluate what makes good sexual tension and learn how to apply those lessons to our own writing. We’ll discuss what sexual tension is, what it isn’t and how you can manipulate the 12 steps to intimacy in order to increase the stakes and tension for your characters.
Runs: August 15-August 29
Cost: $20

Everyone needs a Name
Tricks, hints and sources for finding names, whether you are writing a contemporary romance, historical fiction, fantasy, or even about a world far, far away.  The course will include help in coming up with names for places, things, and even your character’s pets.  You'll even get to choose a pen name for yourself.  If you're having trouble renaming your characters after reading common first-novel mistakes, then this might be a good class for you!
Runs: August 29-Sept. 12
Cost: $20

Classes with the Low-Country RWA
Microsoft Word for Writers
Sept. 5-30
Registration deadline: Sept. 2
Cost: $16

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