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A blog by author Rebekkah Niles
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Friday, September 9, 2011
The Word Box: Rulers and Relationships (A-M)
This week, from the Grandiloquent Dictionary, words having to do with rulers (rule by what?) and relationships. (A-M)
angelocracy -( )
Rulership by angels
anililagnia -( )
An attraction to older women
chirocracy - ( )
The state of being ruled by force (literally by a strong hand)
chrysocracy - ( )
Rulership by the wealthy (literally a government by gold)
cyesolagnia - ( )
Being attracted to pregnant women
cheiloproclitic - ( )
Being attracted to a person's lips
demonocracy - ( )
Rulership by demons
diabolarchy - ( )
Rulership by the devil
ecclesiarchy - ( )
Rulership by the church
ethnocracy - ( )
Rulership by a specific race
gamophobia - ( )
A fear of marriage
gymnophoria - ( )
The sensation that someone is mentally undressing you
gynarchy - ( )
Rulership by women
gynonudomania - ( )
The urge to rip off a woman's clothing
gynotikolobomassophilia - ( )
A proclivity for nibbling on women's earlobes
hagiocracy - ( )
Rulership by saints
hirsutophilia - ( )
An attraction to hairy men
hierocracy - ( )
Rulership by the church or by church officials
jowfair - ( )
An event which does not occur after much planning, such as a wedding with no groom
kakistocracy - ( )
Rulership by the worst leader
kosmokrator - ( )
The ruler of the world
korophilia - ( )
Being attracted to young men or boys
karao - ( )
The marriage of a widow to her brother-in-law
levirate - ( )
The marriage of a woman to her husbands brother
logocracy - ( )
Rulership by words
lavacultophilia - ( )
A desire to stare at someone in a bathing suit
meritocracy - ( )
Rulership by the most skilled leader
mariticide - ( )
The murder of a husband by his wife
maritodespotism - ( )
Tyrranical rulership of a woman by her husband
meacock - ( )
A meak man who dotes on his wife, or is henpecked
malaxophobia - ( )
A fear of love play, especially in women
mariticide - ( )
The murder of a husband by his wife
maritorious - ( )
Excessively devoted to one's husband
misogamist - ( )
One who hates marriage
monandry - ( )
The practice of having a single husband at a time
myriadigamous - ( )
Pertaining to someone who is willing to marry all kinds of people
Which word is your favorite?
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