
Friday, January 13, 2012

Industry News

Major News

Barnes & Nobles considers whether or not to make Nook into its own business. They'd be taking their name off the product and making the e-reader stand on its own, as a way to potentially decrease losses due to the book/e-book conflict of interest. This means they'd probably be investing more into the Nook - building it as its own brand name, advertising, etc. - while divorcing the costs of the brick-and-mortar stores from the device.

The saga of HarperCollins vs. Open Road over Julie of the Wolves e-rights continues. No conclusions; both parties are just continuing to state their cases.

Against e-lending? You might want to rethink your stance: Amazon authors participating in Kindle KDP e-lending program are seeing their royalties up 449%.

Industry blogs

Thinking about hiring a PR service? Writer Beware cautions that some services are a poor use of your money. They'll offer to send your name out in a printed catalogue, or over e-mails, or both. But the recipients (bookstores, libraries, newspapers, etc.) throw out the spam-style periodicals these companies send out. If you do hire a PR service, do research beforehand to avoid wasting money. You'll spend more, but you might actually get what you paid for.

Jane Friedman offers a list of twelve articles related to publishing that she calls "must-reads."

Janet Reid provides four questions for non-fiction that need answering. And she answers a question directed to her, on what how long agents have to wait when they submit a manuscript to publishers. The time period it takes them to hear back is highly variable, depending on the agent's relationship with the publisher and how many people in the publishing house read the manuscript.

Rachelle Gardner has switched agencies. She is now part of Books & Such Literary Agency. She also offers advice this week on dealing with deadlines: make a writing a schedule and ask for help from your family when you need it.

Jessica Faust answers the question, "If I received a request for a full manuscript from both an agent and an editor, and one asks me to make changes, do I need to alert the other before making the changes?" She says no: there's no guarantee that the other will even make an offer. Complete the changes first, and then offer the revised manuscript to the other party.

She also answers the sometimes tricky question of "What genre is my book?" for books that have multiple genres. The goal is to choose the genre whose audience the book is written for: a paranormal romance YA time-travel would be YA, because it's written for the young adult audience.

Thinking of submitting Lauren Ruth at BookEnds, LLC? She's posted a list of what she is and is not looking for. Read before submitting! When an agent lays out her wishlist on the table like this, it's a gift - don't turn it down.

QueryTracker offers its weekly Publishing Pulse: 1/06 and 1/13. You can also find a short summary of different kinds of rights on a post about thinking of writing as a business and not just as a hobby. These include copyright, first serial rights, electronic rights, Internet rights, all rights, exclusive rights, and reprint rights.


  1. Great blog post. Very informative. Thanks for this copulation of publishing info.

    1. I'm happy you found it helpful! Thanks for dropping by. :)
