
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Great and Mysterious Liebster Award

Thanks to Author Alden and S. P. Clark, I have been awarded the long-running Liebster Award! Drop by their blogs and give them a read. Doing so for Author Alden will currently net you a post in the A-Z Challenge (a challenge in which the writer posts every day in April except Sundays with a post for each letter of the alphabet.) His A-Z is speculative fiction tropes! And at S. P. Clark's blog, you'll get to hit up a blog chain and an assortment of book reviews, worth checking out.

What is the Liebster Award? It's an award granted to blog authors who motivate and inspire us. There are certain limits, though: blogs may have up to 200 followers. The purpose is to summon new followers and increase awareness of other noteworthy blogs.

In turn for receiving this award, I will continue the tradition and nominate 5 recipients of my own! One of these is a writer whom I've known since college; the others are fellow members of my RWA writing groups.

1. Lauren Harris
    Local writer whose blog first inspired me to start one of my own.
2. Andris Bear
    Usually has a hilarious story for us, with a witty take on motherhood, writing, and life in general.
3. Nancy Leanna Badger
    The blog of a chaptermate who has inspired me and kept me writing.
4. Jennifer Delamere
    Another chaptermate who motivates me. Expect to see her on the shelves soon!

Take a look through their blogs!

Were you nominated? Here's the deal on how this works:

To  Accept the Award:

Thank the person who nominated you on your blog and link back to them.
Nominate up to 5 others for the award.
Let them know by commenting on their blog.
Post the award on your blog.


  1. Methinks milady doth forget the fifth. ;)

  2. Thanks for the plug! A well deserved award, says I.


    1. Thanks for the award! :D I'm busy taking bets on what "G" will be... ;) (Don't mind me if I lurk a little; terrible habit of mine.)

  3. Thank you for the nomination! I meant to carry this on, but got behind with, well, everything. ;} Will do it!

    1. Hee, it took me about a week to carry it on myself... That's how I ended up getting nominated twice! 0.o No hurry.
