
Friday, May 4, 2012

Publishing News

Lots of blogs this week, and some interesting news as well!


Microsoft invests in Barnes & Nobles Nook. As in, $300 million investing. This gives the Nook system the funding to start standing up to Amazon (if not on equal footing yet). Microsoft will get a 17.6% equity in the subsidiary of B&N that handles the Nook eReaders.

Starting in July, all Tor/Forge books will be DRM-free.

Target drops Amazon Kindle from shelves. Why? Because Amazon encourages buyers to scan items in stores and then purchase them online through Amazon.

Publisher Pearson plans to "mount a robust defense" against the DOJ lawsuit.

Industry Blogs:

QueryTracker posts their Publishing Pulse for 4/27 and 5/4.

A new agent joins FinePrint Literary Management: Becky Vinter, with an interview on what she's looking for.

Not happy with the DOJ lawsuit against Apple & five big publishers? Dystel & Goderich tell you how you can weigh in with your opinion on the proposed settlements by mailing the DOJ.

Both Jason Ashlock and Janet Reid talk about the fact that agents aren't scared about the digital revolution. Why? Because agents are career managers, not just liaisons for traditional publishers. And authors still need career advice. Getting into the field is a lot easier with an expert to help you decide where to go, and that's what agents do.

Tolkien's The Hobbit is one of the cornerstones of fantasy, but it didn't get written overnight. Roger Colby takes a set of his letters and extracts Tolkien's 10 tips for new writers.

On the Ink-Stained Scribe, Lauren Harris discusses the 5 reasons some public libraries may not carry 50 Shades of Grey. They're not the reasons you might think; looks like 50 Shades may be a fad, and in the world of budget-cutting, libraries aren't willing to take the financial risk - especially for the first book in a trilogy.

Rachelle Gardner reminds you to savor the good stuff when it happens. That's how you don't get burnt out. She also has advice for your spouse: be supportive! You're not going to stop being an artist, and your spouse needs to accept you for who you are for the marriage to work. Also, don't expect millions to come rolling in tomorrow.

On QueryTracker, a couple of questions are answered: should you submit an exclusive query? Not unless it's specifically asked for, and make sure you put an "expiration date" on the exclusiveness. What is a press release, and how do you write one? It's an article aimed at journalists to get them excited enough about a book to check it out and review it. It's not an advertisement, it should be 400-500 words, and it's aimed at journalists instead of readers.

Also, what is an expert witness and how are they qualified to be called into court? An expert witness is someone called to the stand, usually a scientist, to present their knowledge. A crime scene technician, for example, could present on how she came to a conclusion about evidence and the scientific method she used for analysis. He or she has to undergo something called a "Voir Dire" examination by the court before the testimony will be accepted as "expert." This examination is basically a "what are your qualifications" set of questions.

If you haven't got a website yet, but you also haven't finished your manuscript - don't panic. In fact, the best time to get cranking on the social media for your first manuscript, according to Agent Kristen, is probably while it's on submission.

She also talks about why agents don't always take manuscripts they think will sell. Sometimes, another agent has better connections for the genre, or sometimes an agent has a schedule that's just a little too full for a story she isn't 100% enthusiastic about - even if she does think it's good enough to sell. Sometimes it's just not a good fit. And she gives criterion for evaluating agents: mostly, what else have they sold, and where to?

Janet Reid answers whether or not you should talk about disabilities or ill health in a query letter, if you think it will interfere in your timelines: no. That's not the place for it. Timelines are set later, and they're not the same for all writers, anyway.

Stacey Kennedy at the Futuristic, Fantasy, & Paranormal blog asks writers whether or not they should thank reviewers, and suggests ignoring bad reviews.

Nathan Bransford talks about the top 5 social media blunders not to make. One I hadn't heard before anywhere else, but makes very good sense: Don't link your Facebook and Twitter accounts. Why? They're two different audiences, and what appeals to one won't appeal to the other.

What publishing news have you encountered in the past two weeks?

1 comment:

  1. You know you've got SCA on the brain when you read about expert witnesses being called into court and for a split second are very confused about why that would happen. >_<
