
Monday, April 29, 2013

Writers' Workshop

Ada works in a comfy chair.
Sam and Emily settle in to write.
Writing is a pretty introverted job, with the possible exception of co-writing. But that doesn't mean writers don't benefit from a crowded room.

Snack time!
One of the members of our local Science Fiction/Fantasy Meetup group occasionally hosts a writers' workshop. We all go over, eat, and write. It's like a party of sorts, wherein everyone sits in his or her own little world and works. With occasional breaks for food, chatting, and laughter, of course!

This past month's food theme was Greek food, so we had lots of healthy, delicious brain food that 'mysteriously' vanished over course of the day. Strawberries were in at the local farmers' market, too. Irresistible!

I was happy to get about a 1200 new words (I got there late), but some came out with close to 4000! Surrounding yourself with other writers is a great way to keep motivated, and get everyone working. Plus, it's just fun.

Special thanks to our hostess, Allegra, for opening her house to us for the day!


  1. That sounds so amazing!! I'd love to be part of something like that.

  2. Sounds like a great idea. I need to find a local group like that.
