
Friday, May 31, 2013

Publishing Industry News

Publishing news and industry blogs for 5/17-5/31 (since I was AFK on the Friday of the last post, those links will be included for this time.)

Publishing News

Amazon now has a service for selling fanfiction. (Should I have seen this coming? I should have seen this coming. So why is my mind blown?) It is (/was) currently a non-served market, so it was only a matter of time until someone found a way to make this happen, and innovative, business-savvy Amazon leads the pack. There are stipulations, of course: the material must be one that Amazon has licensed (Amazon must have bought certain rights, and the author of the original work gets paid a royalty for every copy sold), no porn (I wonder if this holds trues for explicit romances? Probably, seems like a blanket rule...), Amazon owns the lifetime rights for book (kind of like licensed books, such as Star Wars and Doctor Who series), and others.

Got a Borders Gift Card? Don't expect to redeem it, or be reimbursed. The courts denied gift card holders the right to a class action suit. In large part this is due to not filing any claims by the deadline.

Simon & Schuster will now be publishing in Canada.

News Corp's (owner of HarperCollins) official split into two companies will be June 28.

Ingram's opening an easy-to-use POD service for indie publishers (which Courier Corp. already plans to take advantage of).

Judge Denise Cote approves an extension for Penguin and Author Solutions to respond to the lawsuit filed against them both.

R.R. Donnelly will be handling Harlequin's e-distribution.

A sum-up of the case against Apple in the DOJ vs Apple & 5 major publishers. Penguin settles with the DOJ for $75 million.

MetaComet launches, a site designed to give authors easy to access to their contracts, royalty statements, and other pertinent information.

Yahoo! will acquire Tumblr.

Industry Blogs

QueryTracker's Publishing Pulse for 5/17 and 5/24.                     

Nathan Bransford's The Last Few Weeks in Books.

GalleyCat puts together a collection of self-publishing news and resources for May.

Jane Freidman puts together a handy-dandy infographic on the 5 types of publishing.

Kristine Rusch offers practical, if blunt, advice on book promotion. #1: Write a good book. #s 2-4: have a good cover, price right, promote quietly. And more.

GalleyCat tackles the ISBN issue. They also post the DOJ's summary of how much e-book prices rose after the switch agency model.

Rachelle Gardener puts together a collection of links to everything about publishing.

Thinking about including song lyrics in your story? Here's what you have to do.

And on QueryTracker, Sarah Pinneo gives the ups and downs of GoodReads. Set yourself up as an author, populate your own bookshelves, and more.

Still wondering why people are saying the industry is improving while the best-seller authors you read most are saying it's getting worse? Kristine Rusch explains that the market is changing to favor the midlist author. Most of her maths and numbers come from this article on FutureBook.

Searching for synonyms? PowerThesaurus offers "crowd-sourced" synonyms, where authors can vote for their favorite synonyms.

What interesting publishing news have you encountered in the past couple of weeks?

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