
Friday, December 13, 2013

Publishing Industry News

Publishing news and industry blogs for 11/30-12/13.

Publishing News

Apple is protesting having to pay the fee for the court-ordered monitor required by Judge Cote's ruling in the DOJ vs Apple case... and since the monitor is charging $1100 an hour, that's fairly understandable. (For our international readers, that's 6679 yuan, 9111 UAH, 800 Euro, 673 GBP, or 36,086 RUB.) There's also the monitor's supposed "fishing" for dirt, and the fact that the monitor can access employees without legal counsel present (which Apple objects to, calling it a last-minute illegal expansion of the injunction). Judge Cote tells Apple that according to the injunction, the complaint must be worked out with the DOJ first before coming to her; she does, however, reverse the ruling that allowed the monitor to communicate with her without Apple having a legal counsel present.

In the States vs Apple case, Judge Cote approves final e-book settlements for Hachette, HarperCollins, and Simon & Schuster.

Amazon, meanwhile, is not particularly happy with the Supreme Court's refusal to hear their appeal over the ruling that allows New York to collect sales tax for online sales.

Speaking of Amazon, there was a lawsuit filed against Amazon and the major publishing houses by indie booksellers alleging a conspiracy to limit competition through DRM and other methods. The judge tossed the case, though.

Quebec decides to set limits on bookseller discounting on new titles with a new law, coming to the compromise of not quite price-fixing.

If you were published with All Classic Books and you receive an e-mail basically holding your rights for ransom, check out this post from Writer Beware.

Digital retailers are taking advantage of the new rules on bookselling to offer steep discounts on e-books.

Industry Blogs

QueryTracker's Publishing Pulse for 11/29 and 12/13.

On the Editor's Blog, a discussion on using dialogue tags, why they should be used, how they should be used, etc. Most importantly, keep in mind the purpose of tags when writing.

A new member joins the staff of Writer Beware.

If you read QueryShark (and if you write queries, you should), the Shark is trying a new strategy: submitters get up to 100 words to explain why they broke the rules.

Kristine Kathryn Rusch talks about the "old ways" of traditional publishing advertising, why and when they're not for you--and when they are.

Apparently jobs involving intellectual property make up 6% of the GDP, according to the International Intellectual Property Alliance.

According to the Pew Digital Library Report, nearly 90% of people ages 16+ said the closing of libraries would hurt their communities.

On QueryTracker, Jane Lebak talks about what's necessary for finding a good critique--often, it's reciprocation, but you'll probably have to start off with a soft touch. Ask Krafton explains "deep" point of view.

Here's 25 literary journals and magazines that are accepting submissions.

Amazon releases a short fiction imprint. It also reveals an interesting feature called Kindle FreeTime, an app that allows parents to set limits on the content kids can interact with.

The GoodReads Choice Awards are out.

What other publishing news have you encountered in the past two weeks?

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