
Monday, January 13, 2014

Into the Tides: Strength Magic

Today is a little book-bonus! In posts such as these, I'll give you extra information from my novel that you won't find in the book itself.
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In Into the Tides, people who have magic are called "Powers." Each type of magic has a different set of capabilities, which is based on genetics. And for each Power type, there are 6 different levels of ability, called classes, with 6th class being the weakest and 1st class having the most magic. How a person's class is determined is based on what they can do.

I've been working on creating descriptions that explain what each Power type can do, by class. (Okay, yes, I've probably been having too much fun with this... ;) If you're reading the book and wondering what the characters are capable of, and what they would be capable of if they were higher in class, you can find out!

Here's what Derik, a sixth-class strength Power, can do, versus what his family members (mostly 4th and 2nd classes) can do:

Magic Type: Strength Power




 Strength 6-
  •  Passive: Gain muscle rapidly (1 hour strength Power workout=2 hours normal person workout in terms of muscle building; weariness is not proportionally increased), rapid muscle regrowth (4x normal healing rate). Metabolic rate=1.5x normal.
  • Active: Help up to 2 other people gain muscle rapidly when doing tandem workouts (1:1.25)
(Character note: Derik Holskerksi is a 6th class strength Power. In addition to having a natural proclivity to strength, he works out daily, which enhances what his magic would do on its own.)
  • Passive: Rapid muscle gain (1:3), rapid muscle regrowth (4x normal healing rate). Metabolic rate=2x normal
  • Active: Help up to 5 people gain muscle at 1:1.5 rate when doing tandem workouts. Help others heal faster (1.5x normal)
  • Passive: Rapid muscle gain (1:4), rapid muscle regrowth (5x normal rate), Metabolic rate=2.5x normal
  • Active: Help up to 10 people gain muscle at 1:2 rate when doing tandem workouts. Help up to 5 at 1:3 rate (tandem), and up to 1 at 1:4 rate (tandem). Help others heal muscle faster (2x normal rate).
  •  Passive: Rapid muscle gain (1:5), rapid muscle regrowth (5x normal rate), metabolic rate=3.5x normal
  • Active: Help up to 20 people gain muscle at 1:2 rate with tandem exercise; 10 at 1:3; 5 at 1:4. Help up to 3 people at 1:2 rate without tandem exercise (strength Power does not need to exercise; recipient does). Help up to 2 people gain strength with no exercise (by either Power or recipient; recipient may refuse; 20 minutes of magic=1 hour of strength training). Gain muscle without exercise (10 minutes focusing=1 hour working strength training). Help others heal muscle faster (2.5x normal rate).
  • Fertility problems common. Pregnancy not typically advised at this level or above due to increased risk of complications.
  • Passive: Rapid muscle gain (1:6), rapid muscle regrowth (6x normal rate), metabolic rate=4x normal
  • Active: Help up to 40 people gain muscle at 1:2 rate with tandem exercise; 20 at 1:3; 10 at 1:4. Help up to 6 people at 1:3 rate without tandem exercise (strength Power does not need to exercise; recipient does). Help up to 5 people gain strength with no exercise. Help others heal muscle faster (2.5x normal rate)
  • Passive: Rapid muscle gain (1:8), rapid muscle regrowth (6x normal rate), metabolic rate=5x normal
  • Active: Help up to 80 people gain muscle at 1:2 rate with tandem exercise; 40 at 1:3; 20 at 1:4. Help up to 12 people at 1:2 rate without tandem exercise (strength Power does not need to exercise; recipient does) or 6 at 1:3 rate. Help others heal muscle faster (3x normal rate).
  • At this level of Power, magic overcomes the body's natural limitations. While at all other classes a recipient's body will gain strength and heal no faster than it can do so without suffering major damage, a first class Power's magic ignores the recipient's limits. Therefore, careful monitoring and extra care must be taken to preserve the health (and even life) of the recipients. Gaining muscle too quickly without being a strength Power is not advised at rates higher than 1:4, and gains at that rate should be extremely limited in duration. Healing recipients at rates faster than 1:3 extremely likely to result in complications, and is also not recommended.

Note that muscle regrowth applies only to muscle and, as needed to aid muscle regrowth, blood vessels. Skin and bone still heal at a normal rate. However, wounds tend to heal faster as the tissue underneath the skin heals rapidly, making most into-the-muscle wounds effectively "just a scratch" after a few days, so long as tendons and bones are not damaged.

Although many of the special abilities seem an enormous advantage, strength Powers stopped ruling the world not long after archery showed up. Turns out being strong doesn't stop them from being wounded, and a broken bone is a broken bone. Nor is magic without a cost; the extremely low body fat percentage causes fertility issues, and because of the enhanced metabolism, strength Powers also must consume more than the average amount of food. Fasting causes problems even more rapidly than in non-magical people, as the body turns to cannibalizing organs instead of skeletal muscle much quicker than in those without strength magic.

Historically in this world, magic-users in this world have been relegated to subservient positions. Since about the 1700s in this alternate-Earth world, the majority of magic users are technically free to choose their own careers and have the same legal rights as all other citizens, with the exception of not being allowed to hold public office (except as designated to represent magical citizenry or as expert advisers). However, social and cultural pressures mean most work in industries where their magic is directly used, and the strongest (second and first class) are more or less impressed into government service for purposes of public defense and safety, which is both a protection for them--by making them the defenders of the public it prevents people fearing them, and they are allowed positions of status and relative freedom--and a limitation of individual rights.

Today most strength Powers of fifth class or above are heavily pressured into joining the military, where their abilities are a benefit to them and don't hinder them from getting promotions, and wherein they receive public approval as defenders and protectors instead of the fear or disdain they could face in the private sector. As with all magic types, sixth class Powers face less pressure to use their very limited magic, and may work anywhere they can find employment; many do work in fields related to their magic because of the minor advantages their magic provides, but others prefer to take advantage of their relative freedom to explore other careers (sometimes at the pressure of their military-bound families).

Health issues

Body fat for third class and above, while usually self-regulating when sufficient food is consumed, stays minimal even with relatively low activity levels. Because magic develops in ways that increase personal survival chances, essential body fat tends to be maintained. For women third level and above, body fat averages around 12-16%; for men 4-8%. This is due to the increased metabolism, and not due to a lesser need for fat; therefore high-level strength Powers often suffer from related health complications. Osteoporosis after age 60 is common, although early-onset osteoporosis is less prevalent than among the general population, which is thought to be related to magic strengthening the bones to support additional muscle. Weakened immune systems are common throughout life, and with lower levels of body fat to utilize during illness, sicknesses may have a more serious impact than with individuals with higher body fat.

Fertility issues are also common, with men producing a third fewer children compared to unPowered men, and women facing increased risk of amenorrhoea; if capable of conception, complications in pregnancy in addition to typical low-weight pregnancies may occur due to the body's tendency to metabolize organ tissue instead of skeletal muscle. Because of this, women of third class and above are now encouraged to use surrogates or adopt if children are desired. The high-class successful pregnancies that do occur, usually have been for women with long family histories of naturally (and non-magically) high metabolism, low body weight, and small body size.

Additionally, strength Powers are at higher than normal risk for reproductive system cancers, especially men, and therefore screenings are recommended beginning around age 30 for both genders. They tend to run lower risks of all other types of cancer.


  1. Considering the way you have these powers structured, I think this setting would make a pretty good pen and paper RPG.

    1. I'd love to see that! :D I actually plan on figuring out how to set up forums on my site at some point, with a section set aside for role playing. But that's assuming I can decipher the code-issues and such... 0.o
