
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

If Tides were a tabletop RPG...

If you've played a tabletop RPG, such as Dungeons and Dragons or a GURPS setting, you're familiar with the concept of classes--basically, the roles the characters fill in the adventuring party. Basically, their jobs.

Should there ever be a Broken Powers world tabletop RPG, I've been wondering what classes it might have.

I think I'd have to divide classes into Powered or unPowered, with different advantages to each. A possible set might be:

  • Utilitarian Power (flight, heat, cold): This covers sixth- through third-class Powers who work in jobs where their magic is used as a tool. They have mechanical prowess and general survival skills. They have regular employment (not necessarily government), but cannot achieve much fame, although they may have hobbies that can add extra income. They are fairly socially adept and can have minor social influence.
  • Military Power (strength, illusion, travel, etc): This covers Powers of all strengths whose magics are used in the military. Although they may not all engage in melee, they will be familiar with weaponry and basic fighting and self-defense techniques, and probably have concepts of strategy. While they're good at physical survival, they're less well adapted to society. The pay is less than privately employed utilitarian Powers, but they likely have their basic needs taken care of by the government.
  • Specialized Power: This covers Powers who have advanced degrees and use their Powers for specialized technical jobs. They may have specialized knowledge, but are likely inept at fighting. While their specialization may give them some social status, outside academia or their particular realm of expertise they're unlikely to be known. They may, however, have a social network of powerful contacts or sponsors behind them.
  • Investigative Power: This covers high-level Powers who are employed by the government. They have the highest degree of influence, as they are agents of the government; however, they are also the most highly regulated. They have mandatory but steady employment, and strong magic; because the government takes care of them, they may not have the best day-to-day survival skills.
  • Entertainers: This covers people who are in any part of the entertainment industry. Players will choose the performance or medium the character specializes in. The characters have high levels of skill in this art and can become famous for their art, obtaining a high degree of social influence and accumulating a lot of wealth. They may also develop a social network of powerful contacts, and are generally well-liked by the public, and are usually adept at moving through all strata of society.
  • Politicals: Politicians, lobbyists, social activists--all people who specialize in building power and influence. Generally but not always wealthy, their greatest assets are in getting things done. Few, however, are well-liked by the public.
  • Skilled Workers: People who have regular jobs. Although they have little influence or wealth to begin with, they are very skilled at a variety of tasks, and may have any level of education.From mechanics to doctors, they're capable and competent, and can get almost any job done. They learn quickly and are good at just plain getting by.
  • Law-breakers: People who get their income by less-than-legal means, such as thievery, drug dealing, or cons. They're great at manipulating people, and most are decent at fighting. Survival is their specialty, and some are reasonably wealthy. However, they have no political influence, and have to stay below the eyes of the law.
  • Military: Great at fighting and usually capable of taking care of themselves, these people tend to be fairly skilled in a variety of areas. They have less political influence and wealth than other professions, but have more than Powered military personnel, as well as more personal freedom. They also have some degree of government power, depending on rank.
I'd probably come up with more--have to figure out what assets there are, and what each class can contribute to an adventuring party. But it's sure fun to think about.

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