
Friday, May 22, 2015

Publishing Industry News

This week's publishing news and industry blogs post covers 5/9-5/22.

Publishing News

The trial to determine if the Author Solutions case will be class action suit or not continues.

Amazon Publishing (Amazon's publishing branch) continues to expand.

Southwest will be partnering with Kobo to offer books inflight. If they don't finish the book in the air, instructions on how to buy it will be emailed to them.

Google has developed a new typeface for e-books on Google Play Books.

Industry Blogs

Agent Nephele Tempest shares some interesting writing links 5/8 and 5/15, including the Publication Opportunities for June and July. (5/9 is more of a... guideline, y'know. Close enough.)

Agent Janet Reid answers questions and gives advice. Is it okay to withdraw a query if you want to revise? (Yes, totally.) So, really, what is a "brief" synopsis? (Around 250 words answering the main story questions Reid lists off.) Should you tell your agent it took a long time to write your book? (Not up front. Talk about that when the time comes.) How do writers know when to avoid sending queries because of agents' other major events, like conferences? (Pssssh. Are they open to queries? Send the query; they'll get to it when they do.)

At BookEnds, agent Jessica Faust tells authors to let the main character drive the plot--yes, the plot drives the main character, but it's the MC's reactions to the events and how those reactions then shape the story that keep the reader reading. She also points out that editing is a time-consuming process. Oh, and she introduces a new agent at BookEnds.

Kim English on the QueryTracker Blog talks about using the power of three for some snappy humor and dialogue.

Author Karen Dionne on agent Kristin Nelson's blog offers a cautionary tale on making sure your agent is a good negotiator. And Kristin follows up with what makes an agent a good agent.

Author Kristine Kathryn Rusch finishes up her "Freelance Scramble" series with a post on when and how to burn bridges... hint, it's truly a last-resort measure.

Author Robert Jackson Bennet writes a very thought-provoking post on how he suggests authors judge if a rape scene is really story-necessary.

Company Folders offers an infographic on how to design the perfect logo.

Readgeek helps you find the next book to read, based on your ratings of books you've already read.

What other publishing news have you encountered in the past two weeks?

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