
Friday, August 28, 2015


Next weekend is DragonCon, an awesome 3-day sci-fi/fantasy convention in Atlanta that I will sadly be missing this year, myself. However, I've been a couple of times, and loved it. It's got everything from excellent cosplay to interesting panels to roaming packs of people playing games (besides the board game room or LARP room, that is). Big names show up (of course you have to pay for autographs from the Hall of Autographs, but author signings tend to be free).

It's a really cool convention, and while it does have a few downsides (cost, history of cosplay harassers [though they've been working on improving the harassment policy and reducing this issue], the typical assortment of cancellations), I'm excited for all my friends who are going. I can't wait to see the pictures, which usually include some of the best cosplay I'll see all year. People pull out their best works for this con, especially those who can't make West Coast events. And I know some good cosplay artists. Plus, they'll get the chance to meet some of their favorite authors.

As a relatively nearby convention (within driving distance), it's one of my favorites. Both times I've gone, it's been with groups of friends, which makes it even better. And I've thoroughly enjoyed all the panels I've been to--with as many fan tracks as they have, it's hard to find something not to like.

To everyone who's going, have a great time, and be sure to share the pictures. Those of us who can't go this year are with you in spirit!

What conventions are your favorites? Which ones that you've been to have the best cosplay?

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