
Friday, November 20, 2015

Publishing News

This week's publishing news and industry blogs post covers 11/7-11/19/15.

Publishing News

The Anderson family has come a step closer to acquiring all the shares of Books-A-Million. creates a self-publishing service for audiobooks, rather like Smashwords' service in that it distributes to multiple retailers and distributors.

Amazon and Apple are under an anti-trust investigation in Germany. (Link has sound)

HarperCollins starts a new digital-first imprint that accepts unagented manuscripts.

Industry Blogs

Victoria Strauss on Writer Beware talks about the dangers of arbitration clauses, and what to look for in them, and clauses you can probably get to mitigate them versus what you can't.

Agent Nephele Tempest talks about the advantages of having a writing community, and how to find one.

Agent Janet Reid answers questions and gives advice.  Writing a non-fiction book that has its main relevance within a couple of years, and wondering if you should be querying now before the book is done? (Yes. Different rules for non-fiction, and timeliness is a thing.) A writer friend has died, and you wonder if you should notify query-ees, and also if it's possible to get the piece posthumously published. (An e-mail is polite, and not very likely.) She also shares inept book promo--and explains what's inept about it. And while you're out, how about how to query badly?

Agent Kristin Nelson gives an agent's perspective on how to succeed at NaNoWriMo. She also explains her #1 reason for passing even when the writing is good.

On the Editor's Blog, some tough love about your favorite, clever first-draft lines--like it or not, there's no sacred cow in writing; sometimes you just have suck it up and cut that line you thought you liked during rewrites.

On QueryTracker, why truth is important in fiction.

Author Kristine Kathryn Rusch reminds us why it's important to have contact information available and make it possible to get in touch with you.

Wondering about the brick and mortar Amazon Books store? Amazon Books VP doesn't plan to sell products other than books there; she explains how books will be chosen and displayed; and yes, they're hoping for more brick and mortars in the future. (I bet you'll probably see books from the Amazon Editors' Best Books lists among those selected.)

For a collection of NaNoWriMo tips, check out GalleyCat's Resources page.

What other publishing news have you encountered in the past two weeks?

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