
Friday, May 13, 2016

Publishing Industry News

This week's publishing news and industry blogs post covers 4/15-5/15.

I missed the last post, so this post will be not as in-depth on the blogs as usual. Just the highlights, because we only have so much reading time in a day!

Publishing News

The Supreme Court has decided not to take the Authors Guild vs Google case, aka the Google book-scanning case. (Publisher Weekly also publishes an analysis on what this means.)

In the Georgia State e-reserves case, GSU requests recompense for fees and costs. The publishers who originally sued GSU have meanwhile renewed their request for new evidence. Also, the ruling judge further clarifies her ruling.

Mark Coker, CEO of Smashwords, releases the 2015 statistical analysis of e-book sales.

CEO and founder of Barnes and Noble, Leo Riggio, will be retiring in September.

Wattpad goes Hollywood.

Industry Blogs

On Writer Beware,  Victoria Strauss warns authors away from Pegasus Books of California (not of New York), Realmwalker Publishing Group, Spectral Press, and Tickety Boo Press for an assortment of issues. She also warns authors to ignore the spam from Inkitt.

Agent Nephele Tempest offers some Friday links for 5/6.

There was talk among publishers at Book Expo America about the possibility of introducing a single author royalty rate across all book formats.

Agent Kristen Nelson reminds writers most authors don't publish the first book they write.

Agent Jessica Faust notes that "Two different genres" might not always be so different after all.

Agent Janet Reid offers advice. She talks about what to do after the offer and before accepting the offer. And how to handle it if, after getting an offer that you eventually rejected, you want to put yourself back in the running with other agents. In fact, in almost all awkward multi-agent interactions, your best bet is to be polite and honest. She also provides a list of what goes into author-agency agreements.

What other major publishing news have you encountered in the past two weeks?

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