
Monday, February 20, 2017

Publishing Industry News

This week's publishing news and industry blogs post covers 2/3-2/19/17.

Publishing News

Romance publisher Samhain Publishing will be officially shutting down on February 28.

The Authors Guild issues a statement promising to maintain vigilance during the current political climate, condemning the executive order banning refugees from seven predominately Muslim countries and the rumored possibility of the dissolution of several federal arts agencies.

Industry Blogs

On Writer Beware, Victoria Strauss posts warnings about Loiacono Literary Agency, Swetky Literary Agency, and Warner Literary Group.

Agent Nephele Tempest posts Friday links for 2/10 and 2/17.

Agent Jessica Faust at BookEnds chastises writers for not sending submissions when they get a request on a query. She also shares her manuscript wish list for 2017.

Author Kristine Kathryn Rusch reminds writers the problem with turning for help to someone whose career and voice doesn't match yours, and to remember to look at the big picture.

Agent Janet Reid answers questions and offers advice. She explains why "I never give up" may not be a good thing from an agent. Is it rude to hire an outside publicist? (Communicate early and you'll be fine; it's your career so worry more about success.)

An article on Publishers Weekly as to how indie bookstores use backlist, and how they balance those older books with newly published sellers.

What other major publishing news have you encountered in the past couple of weeks?

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